As the jackets and jumpers are pulled from the wardrobe attempting to keep warm for the cooler months, a tissue box is also placed on the office desk and many sniffles and coughs are heard. When cold and flu season arrives, office environments become breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses, where colleagues are in close contact and poor air circulation is often the culprit.
For business owners, the cooler months can pose potential harm to production and impact income as a result of cold and flu sickness. To minimize the spread of the nasty viruses there are many preventative measures you can implement within your workplace to maintain a healthy work environment.
Avoiding exposure to the cold and flu viruses is the key to preventing infection. To do this it is vital to maintain a clean and germ free work environment. The following three tips can help reduce sickness this winter.
1. Wash Hands Regularly and Use Hand Sanitiser
Washing your hands on a regular basis will significantly reduce the risk of contracting an unwanted illness. We can not stress enough the importance of clean hands. It is important each employee washes their hands or uses hand sanitiser after coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose to prevent bacteria from spreading.
Hand sanitiser should also be available in convenient locations throughout the office. Placing hand sanitiser on your office desk is an easy and effective way to limit the spread of germs.
2. Workplace Hygiene Reminders
Implementing health and hygiene reminders around the office will allow employees and visitors to potentially improve hygiene behaviour and limit cold and flu transmissions.
Suggested workplace reminders include:
Flu vaccinations
Washing hands regularly and using hand sanitiser
Staying home when sick
Drinking a lot of water
Cleaning surfaces regularly
3. Use Disinfecting Wipes
When the cleaning team is unavailable, the easiest and most cost effective way to keep the office clean is to use disinfecting wipes to wipe down the busy work spaces and food areas.
All keyboards, phones, mice and desks should be wiped down regularly, before and after new employees use the equipment.
If you are looking for some extra help to keep the nasty cold and flu viruses out of your work environment, Gretams can assist in providing a professional and thorough clean of your space. We understand the difference between looking clean and actually being clean and safe from bacteria.
We would love to speak to you about our services and provide you with more information before we conduct a free cleaning assessment. Get in touch through our website or call us on (07) 3892 4900.